Friday, February 27, 2009

Out of Surgery and the Mic-Key Button

My son Christopher is my hero. He is a trooper and is braver than I ever will be.

He has endured more in the past few months than most kids his age go through in their lifetime. We believe that GOD has a purpose in all of this and Christopher will be a mighty instrument in God's future plans.

His journey this time (the fourth time in the hospital since Jan 2, 09) was an eventful one starting again with a fever of 103.9 on February 19th. His head and back were throbbing and he was delirious with the pain. We could not offer him any tylenol for his fever since the doctor wanted to find the source of the infection. We suspected the PICC line that it was in his left arm artery connected to his heart and the culture tests proved this to be the source of STAFF infection. He was immediately set up with a IV and heavy doses of Antibiotics. The staff infection was destroyed...

Christopher then was told to "Ride it out" for the weekend until the doctors came up with a plan to insert a "MICKEY BUTTON". This is a WONDERFUL instrument for this ailment. His surgery went flawless on Tuesday Morning and the doctors said that the "Hand of God was with him".

Check out the MICKEY Button here.

Interactive FLASH VIDEO <---- This is COOL!

Since then, Christopher is coping with the pain, but is sure glad that he will be going home soon. There is a cute story about Christopher and his new "friend" Mickey! We'll tell you about that later

Please continue to pray for us.

We will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Christopher! Wanna play HORSE? I might have to fly out there and show you how it's done, buddy. Aunt Laurie, Amanda, Michelle, Josh and I LOVE you VERY much and we're praying that you will be home SOON, so you can use my Mii profile to play Wii Bowling! Love ya, Pal! Uncle Erv


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